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Added 13th October 2018

The Whistler

Released in 2018 - 11 minutes


Lindsey is forced to babysit her sister Becky one night. After innocently falling asleep, Lindsey wakes up to find her sister gone.


Someone may have taken Becky and could be after her as well.


The Whistler, a horror shot with a stereotypical story........ reluctant babysitter, creepy surroundings and a mandatory creature of the night with a past.


Excellent performances and a quality looking feature do make this presentation a worthy watch, however with a running time of 11 minutes we are left with too many unanswered questions at the end credits.


Unfortunately The Whistler could become lost in this crammed genre with a full length feature maybe being the answer to save this intriguing character from extinction.


The Whistler, a new Freddy on the block?




Starring: Karis Cameron, Baya Ipatowicz, Alison Wandzura, 

John Emmet Tracy, Nelson Leis, Copernicus


Director: Jennifer Nicole Stang


The Whistler recently featured at this year's Grimmfest and is currently on the festival tour.


Check out the Official Facebook, Twitter or Website for more information.


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