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"Where is the princess?"

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Added 21st January 2019

The Carter Sanction

Released in 2019 - Runtime 23 minutes


The Carter Sanction, follows the journey of Daniel Carter, a working-class bodyguard framed for kidnapping Princess Talia, heir to the throne of Wallonia.


Arrested and interrogated, Carter escapes, to pursue justice, redemption and the Princess he loves before its too late.


The Carter Sanction, a British fast paced action packed short indie movie offering a homage to any 80's action hero. And like any 80's action movie, take out your brain, place it in a cupboard, lock it away and enjoy the ride all the way until the thunderous end credits.


Whilst the story is pretty predictable with Daniel's path set out before him, excellent editing and action sequences are bound together with a truly remarkable score creating an enjoyable feature.


The Carter Sanction shouldn't be taken too seriously, think of it as Bond's younger indie brother finishing his two year is the 80's, Google it!






Starring: Rudolph Benade, Silvia Calatayud Gil, Tony Richardson, 

Laura Wilson, Eilis Cahill, Sajid Shah, Steven Overton, Laura Arabelaez


Director: Eric Garson


The Carter Sanction, coming soon.


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The Carter Sanction


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